How to Draw Cute Him Drawing Step by Step Guide - Drawing All (2024)

Drawing a cute him can be a fun activity for beginners to improve their drawing skills. In this guide, we will walk you through the process of creating a cute him. Get your pencils and paper ready and let’s get started!

Materials Needed

To begin with drawing a cute him, the following items would be required.

  • A pencil (mechanical or regular)
  • A sharpener
  • A good eraser
  • A paper to draw on

Sketching the Basic Shapes

Sketch out the basic shapes of a cute him. That will serve as a foundation for the rest of the drawing.

  1. Start by drawing an oval for the head. Draw a horizontal line halfway through it and a vertical line down the center. This would serve as the guides for the face.
  2. Sketch the body with a rectangular shape. Draw a line down the center of the body to help with placement later.
  3. Add two more ovals for the arms, and draw two more rectangles for the legs.

Now that the basic shapes are in place, it’s time to add details.

Adding Details to the Drawing

  1. Use the horizontal line to draw the eyes and nose. The eyes should be located on the upper half of the oval head and the nose slightly below it.
  2. Draw the ears and hair. The ears should be located above the eyes and the hair above the ears.
  3. Add the mouth by drawing a straight line under the nose. You can add a smile by slightly curving the line upward at the ends.
  4. Draw the clothes. Use the rectangular body as a guide for the shirt and the arms for the sleeves. For the pants, use the rectangular body as a guide to where they should be placed.
  5. Draw the shoes and the fingers. The shoes should be at the bottom of the leg rectangles, and the fingers should be added to the hands.
  6. Lastly, erase the guiding lines and let the drawing come to life.

Shading the Drawing

Shading gives the drawing depth and makes it three-dimensional. It can be done by using different shades of the pencils. The areas that are closest to the light source should be lighter, and the areas further away should be darker.

Steps to Shade the Drawing

  1. First, locate the light source.
  2. Darken the areas that are further away from the light source and lighten the areas that are closer.
  3. Repeat this process until the shading is complete. Try not to blend too much or it will become smudged.

Tips and Tricks for Drawing a Cute Him

  • Start with light lines which are easier to erase.
  • Take your time and do not rush.
  • Be patient with yourself if your drawing does not look perfect at first.
  • Practice regularly to improve your skills.
  • Use reference pictures for inspiration and guidance.


Drawing a cute him can be a fun activity for beginners to improve their drawing skills. By sketching the basic shapes, adding details and shading, you can create your own unique cute him. Remember to take it slow, and not to be hard on yourself if it doesn’t go as planned.

FAQs about Cute Him Drawing

Q1. How do I come up with my unique cute him idea?

A1. You can draw inspiration from various sources like your favorite fictional characters or people in your life. Let your imagination run wild, and have fun creating your unique cute him.

Q2. Can I use a pen instead of a pencil?

A2. Yes, you can use a pen to draw a cute him. But remember, pens are not erasable, and mistakes are harder to correct.

Q3. How long will it take me to become good at drawing cute him?

A3. It depends on how much time and practice you put into it. With regular practice, you can become good within a few weeks or months.

Q4. How do I make my cute him look more realistic?

A4. Pay extra attention to the details, shading, and proportions. Try using a reference picture for guidance.

Q5. Can I color my cute him after shading?

A5. Yes, You can color your cute him once you have finished shading. You can use colored pencils or markers for this.

Q6. What should I do if I make a mistake while drawing?

A6. Use your eraser to correct any mistakes. If it’s a pen drawing, don’t worry too much and try to incorporate the mistake into the drawing, or start again from scratch.

Cute Him Drawing Photos and Images

Cute Him Drawing Detailed Sketch

Cute Him Drawing Stunning Sketch

Cute Him Drawing Picture

Cute Him Drawing Intricate Artwork

Cute Him Drawing Fine Art

Cute Him Drawing Hand drawn

Cute Him Drawing Creative Style

Cute Him Drawing Amazing Sketch

Cute Him Drawing Hand drawn Sketch

Cute Him Drawing Modern Sketch

Cute Him Drawing Art

Cute Him Drawing Realistic Sketch

Cute Him Drawing

Cute Him Drawing Artistic Sketching

Cute Him Drawing Professional Artwork

Cute Him Drawing Unique Art

Cute Him Drawing Photo

Cute Him Drawing Image

Cute Him Drawing Sketch

How to Draw Cute Him Drawing Step by Step Guide - Drawing All (2024)


How do you draw a easy girl's lips? ›

How to Draw Lips in the Frontal View
  1. Draw a vertical line - this will be the middle of the lips. ...
  2. Refine the outline and show the volume in the lower lip with two ovals.
  3. Add a shadow for the upper and lower lips with the HB pencil.
  4. Add some shading and tone to the whole drawing.
  5. Add the lines on the lips.
Sep 22, 2020

How to draw a boy that is handsome? ›

The character will look mature if you draw with small eyes. On the other hand, large circular eyes will make the character look cute. I also try to keep the distance between the eyebrows and the eyes very narrow (for males). This is done to portray the sharp atmosphere as well.

Who to draw a boy? ›

To draw a boy, start by drawing a small circle with a tail line, like a balloon with a string. Inside the circle, draw a cross section to help mark where the facial features will go. Next, sketch out the arms and legs with basic lines to start, and add small circles indicating each joint in the body.

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How to Draw Realistic Lips Step by Step
  1. Draw a cross and a pair of marks. ...
  2. Draw 5 circles to define the volume of the lip. ...
  3. Shade the lips and add the lip wrinkles. ...
  4. Repeat the shading and clean up the highlights. ...
  5. Darken the shadows in areas and touch up the lips. ...
  6. Draw a cross in an oval. ...
  7. Draw bow on the top.
Sep 24, 2022


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